Black Puppy's Blog

Saturday, June 11, 2005

Chess Adage

Checkmate derives from the Persian "Shahmat" meaning the king(shah) is dead(mat).

"The mistakes are all there, waiting to be made."
-- Savielly Tartakower

"Help your pieces so that they can help you."
-- Paul Morphy

"Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown."
-- Shakespeare

"The threat is stronger than its execution."
-- Chess Adage

"The pin is mightier than the sword."
-- Fred Reinfeld

"So setup up your attacks that when the fire is out, it isn't out!"
-- Harry Nelson Pillsbury

"I see one move ahead. The best one."
-- Jose Capablanca

"When you see a good move, look for a better one!"
-- Chess Adage

"The older I grow, the more I value pawns."
-- Paul Keres

"The pawn is the soul of chess."
-- Philidor

"There have been times in my life when I came very near to thinking that I could not lose even a single game. Then I would be beaten, and the lost game would bring me back from dreamland to earth."
-- Jose Capablanca

"The greatest blunders, like the thickest ropes, are often compounded of a multitude of strands. Take the rope apart, separate it into the small threads that compose it, and you can break them one by one."
-- Victor Hugo

"Always check it may be mate"

"Nobody ever died from a check."

The 10 most common chess mistakes -- and how to avoid them
Larry Evans
ISBN 1-58042-009-5


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